Jan 30, 2007

SuperDuper errors

If SuperDuper ever throws a red "X" at you, go to the Log. See the button at the bottom called "Send to Shirt Pocket..."? 

After you do what I suggest below, you'll want to click that button, and do whatever it tells you. 

It occurs to me that there is a chance that -- don't freak -- you have data corruption. I'd bet even if you had it, it's not bad, because you have been able to transfer and backup successfully at least twice.

But if you know how to run Disk Utility from your installer discs, that would be wise. Do it on both your internal and external drives. If you have TechTool, DiskWarrior, or Drive Genius, great, run 'em just for kicks.

And if you have anything with the name "Norton" on it, please put it in the nearest garbage pail. Seriously.

Jan 26, 2007

InDesign is printing gobbledy-gook

if InDesign is printing an infinite number of pages of gibberish, try resaving the linked images from Photoshop, and update the links in the doc.

Airport Express not connecting consistently

We have been having trouble with our Airport Express. It is
working very slow (takes about 1 min. or longer to load a page).
The internet works fine when we plug it directly into the
computer. It was working fine a month ago but now it won't. I
have tried resetting it and unplugging everything. We have had
problems with this Express before (we had to unplug it fairly often
just to get our computers to connect to it).

Unfortunately, I find Airport devices to be the most finicky of Apple
products, often requiring more resets than a simple device like this
should. So, I would absolutely recommend resetting the Airport
Express back to factory defaults (pressing the reset button for about
15 seconds until the light blinks 4 times), and reconfiguring it with
Airport Setup Assistant. If you have already done that, you might try
switching cables out. If that doesn't work, and if it's under
warranty, please call Apple to get a new one. If it's out of
warranty, might as well buy a brand new, freaky-fast Airport Extreme!

Jan 24, 2007

30,000 mile checkup

Sitting at the Honda dealer, checking out my domain-registration possibilities, admitting that it's tempting to continue with GoDaddy just because of the huevos behind their Super Bowl commercials.

Meanwhile, this is pretty funny... http://www.tuaw.com/2007/01/22/mad-


Jan 23, 2007

Almost finished at SAY Sí

I've been working on the lab at SAY Sí's new facility since the very beginning of January, and I feel like it's finally just about done (at least on the new Intel iMacs; the G4 eMacs have to wait until the students are done with their current video project).

Learning to work with NetRestore and Casper Composer, and Portable Home Folders, has been exhilarating, and doing it all with Apple Remote Desktop over Gigabit, bending the machines to my will in a single keystroke... well, it makes me giddy. Yes, I know I need to get out more...

My first mobile post

I'll be giddy if this works.

Re: Address Book Question

I recently realized that all my contacts in my address book are gone.  I was wondering how I should go about getting them back.  I figure I need to use the back-up hard drive for this, but don't know what to do exactly.


Exactly. As long as you haven't backed up to the external since the contacts went away, you're good. So:

1) Quit Address Book
2) in your home folder on your laptop, go to ~/Library/Application Support (where "~" is your home folder).
3) Inside there, change the name of the folder AddressBook to "AddressBook old" (no quotes)
4) Now plug in the external drive, and from your backup's Application Support folder, drag that AddressBook folder into your laptop ~/Library/Application Support.
5) Eject the external (just in case)
6) Open Address Book. Your contacts should be there.

BTW, if that drive is the LaCie I remember it to be, with USB in addition to Firewire, then with the new Airport Base Station, we can plug the drive into the Base Station and share it to your network. Instant Network Attached Storage. Sweet!