I need to figure out create a blog to my personal web domain. I'd like to be able to upload my thoughts/pics just as easily as you do. I would name it something like: blog.mydomain.net. There are several options that I've seen.
- Blogger – free – but not as customizable. I've tried to transfer a blog to my domain but not had much luck.
- MarsEdit – seems like a good candidate - $24.95 http://www.red-sweater.com/marsedit/
- Wordpress – seems like a steep learning curve but free - http://wordpress.org/
- iWeb?
So, to go through some options:
- I would skip iWeb unless you want to keep it simple... I mean like Forrest Gump-simple.
- Many pro bloggers love Wordpress ...
- ... but many also really like Six Apart's TypePad ( http://www.sixapart.com/typepad/), or their Movable Type (http://www.sixapart.com/movabletype/) if you're gonna get serious. I know a teacher who really likes TypePad for distributing information to her students.
As someone who does not want to spend a lot of time maintaining a blog, I appreciate Blogger's simplicity. (It should be stated here that Blogger and Blogspot are the same service.) I really really like that I can send an email or a text message to publish to my blog.
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